Second Story Hour at the Village Book Nook
This week's book topic was Prince and Princesses.
The Princess of 8th Street by Linas Alsenas
Clever Jack Takes the Cake by Candace Fleming and G. Brian Karas
The Princess and the Pizza by Mary Jane Auch and Herm Auch
Unlike last week, we began with a handful of girls sitting still and listening to the stories. The books I selected were a good mix, and there were a a lot of clever bits sprinkled into them so that the adults could enjoy the stories. And as Hiro says..."very good parodies!"
Total head count of kids was a whopping 14 by the end, perfect amount for the space, and in fact got a bit rambunctious when the boys arrived.
One girl named Mazie, lived on 8th Street, so the first book was a perfect fit for her and the neighborhood. I think she felt extra special, and was a bit disappointed when she realized that everyone got a book bag and not just her- the princess of 8th street.
Clever Jack takes the Cake is such a perfect book for kids in this day and age, with all the allergies going on, and all the birthday parties we parents are subjected to going to... trying to figure out what to bring as gifts.
And my all time favorite Princess and the Pizza... is a perfect New York kinda story about how pizza came to be...and all your favorite princesses make appearances, and not always in a good light.
Our after story craft was to make crowns, and even though our good pal Maya and Kira already came in wearing crowns, (since they are lovely princesses after all) everyone had fun sprawled out on the floor cutting, gluing and coloring. I think at one point some of the grown-ups were having more fun being a kid on this sunny Sunday afternoon!
The Princess of 8th Street by Linas Alsenas
Clever Jack Takes the Cake by Candace Fleming and G. Brian Karas
The Princess and the Pizza by Mary Jane Auch and Herm Auch
Unlike last week, we began with a handful of girls sitting still and listening to the stories. The books I selected were a good mix, and there were a a lot of clever bits sprinkled into them so that the adults could enjoy the stories. And as Hiro says..."very good parodies!"
Total head count of kids was a whopping 14 by the end, perfect amount for the space, and in fact got a bit rambunctious when the boys arrived.
One girl named Mazie, lived on 8th Street, so the first book was a perfect fit for her and the neighborhood. I think she felt extra special, and was a bit disappointed when she realized that everyone got a book bag and not just her- the princess of 8th street.
Clever Jack takes the Cake is such a perfect book for kids in this day and age, with all the allergies going on, and all the birthday parties we parents are subjected to going to... trying to figure out what to bring as gifts.
And my all time favorite Princess and the Pizza... is a perfect New York kinda story about how pizza came to be...and all your favorite princesses make appearances, and not always in a good light.
Our after story craft was to make crowns, and even though our good pal Maya and Kira already came in wearing crowns, (since they are lovely princesses after all) everyone had fun sprawled out on the floor cutting, gluing and coloring. I think at one point some of the grown-ups were having more fun being a kid on this sunny Sunday afternoon!
reading the Princess and the Pizza
The ever talented maker of fabulous pop-up books- Sam Ita and his family join in the fun.
The crown made by the littler Princess of 8th Street.
Hope to see everyone again next Sunday for St. Patty's Day stories and projects!!!!!
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