This week's book topic was Prince and Princesses. Books: The Princess of 8th Street by Linas Alsenas Clever Jack Takes the Cake by Candace Fleming and G. Brian Karas The Princess and the Pizza by Mary Jane Auch and Herm Auch Unlike last week, we began with a handful of girls sitting still and listening to the stories. The books I selected were a good mix, and there were a a lot of clever bits sprinkled into them so that the adults could enjoy the stories. And as Hiro says..."very good parodies!" Total head count of kids was a whopping 14 by the end, perfect amount for the space, and in fact got a bit rambunctious when the boys arrived. One girl named Mazie, lived on 8th Street, so the first book was a perfect fit for her and the neighborhood. I think she felt extra special, and was a bit disappointed when she realized that everyone got a book bag and not just her- the princess of 8th street. Clever Jack takes the Cake is such a pe...