Very Soft Reading

Last Wednesday, I had high hopes.
Lots of kids would show up for the reading.  After all, I did put up fliers announcing a FREE reading, and PRIZES.... but alas, there was only one child at the Laundromat when we arrived at 6pm.  They were getting their clothes out of the drier, and had already called a car service to pick them up, so I was dissapointed. 

I decided to give the mother one of the book bags containing a new book, crayons, and the Woodside Walk coloring book anyway, in the hopes that she would tell her friends about the project.  Unfortunately she did not speak any English, and since I cannot speak any Spanish, I could not communicate enough to her about the project to make any future impact.

She was very happy to get the goody bag and some new books for her child though.


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